What To Expect At Your Functional Capacity Evaluation

Functional Capacity Evaluation Services

What To Expect At Your Functional Capacity Evaluation

A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a 6.0 hour-long assessment (approximately with a lunch break) administered by a university-trained kinesiologist to determine your current abilities and limitations. The evaluation assesses your safe abilities to lift, push, pull, carry, bend, climb, stand, sit, walk, etc., and perform work in different postures. If you have post-concussion symptoms, some cognitive tests i.e. for attention, problem-solving, and memory may be run as well.

The second day, if required, will be 2-3 hours and both days will begin at 9 am.

Purposes of the evaluation.

  1. To determine your ability to safely perform activities of daily living and/or work demands on a full-time or part-time basis.
  2. To determine if you require work restrictions, job modifications, or reasonable accommodations to prevent further injury.
  3. To determine which limitations you have and the degree of physical disability for compensation purposes.
  4. To determine which types of work and/or occupations are suitable for you.


What can I expect?

The Functional Capacity Evaluation assesses a variety of physical attributes and body mechanics. Some of these attributes include functional strength, range of motion, isometric strength, mobility, and dexterity. An effective FCE determines what type of work, if any, you are suitable for; your limitations, if any, and the degree of disability. Part of the assessment will assess your degree of physical effort and the reliability of your reports of pain and disability.

A healthcare professional trained to administer FCEs will evaluate you utilizing a mix of standardized tests and work simulation. The evaluation typically lasts 6 hours depending on your needs and pace. If you require a translator, significant work simulation, or cognitive testing, a second day of testing of 2-3 hours may be required.

You will fill out pain and function questionnaires, and complete physical tasks that have been selected by your evaluator to best assess your abilities. The FCE evaluator will analyze the data collected from your session to reflect the specific objective information regarding functional work ability in the determination of occupational disability status.

What You Need? 

  1. Please dress for activity e.g. loose clothing and comfortable shoes.
  2. Please bring a list of all your current medications.
  3. If you require reading glasses, please bring them for the questionnaires.


Our evaluators are registered by their respective colleges and/or associations and have FCE certification in order to ensure the highest standards of professionalism, competency, and ethics.

What To Expect At Your Functional Capacity Evaluation