Medical Legal Services

What is the Cost of Future Care report?

The Cost of Future Care (CFC) report, sometimes called a Life Care Plan, can be ordered as a stand-alone report or as an add-on service to a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) report. It is an accounting of all the therapies, medications, services, and equipment an individual will require in the future following a life-changing injury or development of a chronic disease. When ordered as a stand-alone report, the client is normally assessed and interviewed in their own home. The client’s function performing a variety of domestic tasks and their impairments with their activities of daily living are documented.  This data, along with the interview findings, review of the medical history, and recommendations from other healthcare professionals, comprise the Cost of Future Care report.

When ordered to the add-on to the Functional Capacity Evaluation report, the clinic is typically interviewed and assessed in the clinic. However, a home visit can be scheduled on a separate day, if desired.

Peak Kinesiology

Future costs of care can include:

Cost of Future Care

What is a Rebuttal Report?

A rebuttal report is a critique of a Functional Capacity Evaluation report and/or a Cost of Future Care report produced by an expert for opposing counsel. The expert’s methodology and conclusions are assessed and any inconsistencies and/or omissions are documented.

What is a Medical Review?

The Medical Review is a review of all the available medical documentation of a particular individual. The course of therapy, diagnoses, prognoses, and recommendations are summarized and differences in opinion are documented. Moreover, the strength of objective medical evidence is assessed versus the subjective reports being relied upon.

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