About Our Team


Matthew Cole, M.Sc. B.HK

Founder of Peak Kinesiology, Matthew Cole holds a master’s degree in exercise physiology from the University of Victoria and a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia. He is also a Matheson and Metriks-trained Functional Capacity Evaluator and is a practicing kinesiologist with the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists (BCAK).

He is responsible for conducting functional capacity evaluations, cost of future care reports, post-offer employment testing, physical demands analyses, and ergonomic assessments. He also orchestrates effective active rehabilitation programs and plans and implements graduated return-to-work plans for successful outcomes.

Matthew has been accepted as an expert witness in the areas of functional capacity evaluation and active rehabilitation and testifies as such in British Columbia Superior Court.

Matthew Cole has been a practicing kinesiologist since 2000.